Self-care is interconnected with the care for the environment.
There can be no human health on a sick planet.
– CRAIG CHALQUIST, Deep Psychology Professor, Psychotherapist, Ecopsychologist.

REFLECTION: what helps us and what hinders us from adopting ecological behaviour?
We are bombarded with depressing information about the health of our beautiful planet, and many of us begin to react by refusing to listen to yet another news of environmental disaster. Or even worse: we lose faith in our positive potential, the capacity that each of us we still have to affect the well-being of Nature and all living things constructively.
Through my studies in ecology and ecopsychology, I have understood that insisting on negative information about the health of the environment has adverse effects on the motivation to develop pro-ecological behaviours. Therefore, people move away from Nature as a source of suffering rather than bringing them closer to it.
What can you do to be more Nature-friendly?
What we really need is to define a personal program of small daily steps that make us feel active contributors to the well-being of the planet.
These “small steps for the Earth” program can reactivate our sense of effectiveness, the confidence in our potential and the desire to positively impact the web of life in all its aspects.
This way we also reactivate our BIOPHILIA: the natural love and attraction that all humans feel for other living beings.
Join me live in Italy for 2 special events dedicated to becoming Friends of the Earth!
If you want to discover how to become the protagonist of a global movement of friendship with the Earth, take part in my upcoming events at Menscorpore, in Treviglio (BG).
- November 8th, 9 pm: FREE CONFERENCE “As I live, so I am: self-care and care for the environment”. You will understand that there is no personal well-being without the well-being of the planet, and you will discover many concrete and daily actions that each of us can do immediately to help improve your life and that of Nature. Click here and read the complete description of the experiential, interactive and engaging conference (website page available in Italian only).
- November 30th, 10 am-1pm and 2.30pm-6pm: WORKSHOP “IMPACT ZERO LIFESTYLE“. The morning is dedicated to immersing ourselves in Nature (in a beautiful wood of the Bassa Bergamasca) to awaken your deep connection with the natural world and with your own inner Nature. You will develop your sensitivity and you will acquire an “embodied awareness” (incarnated, alive, rooted in the body) of your belonging to the web of life that unites us to all other living beings. The afternoon is then dedicated to getting to know ourselves through the “Life Principles”, the principles that Nature uses to carry on life on Earth since 3,8 billion years ago. Thanks to this approach you will discover how to shape your daily life so that it reflects the sustainable strategies of Nature, and we will end the day with a program of “Small steps for the Earth”, your personal daily actions plan that bring life to our life, life to the people around us, and life to life.
Will you join me?

Let’s be friends with our planet!
With your small, daily steps, we all can contribute to saving our planet, for us, and for future generations of human and non-human forms of life.
Diana Tedoldi